Fobi Updates
Fobi Shares
Volume of shares traded: 2,099,965
Percentage change: -12.5% (-0.045)
Monthly Report (May 2023)
Volume of shares traded: 9,708,948
Total trades: 5,942
Period trading range: $0.285 to $0.45
Press Releases
Fobi Scales Digital Insurance to North America Through Passworks Acquisition
World Environment Day: Paving the Way for a Sustainable, Greener Future with Wallet Passes
Episode 49: All Things Production with Nathan Watkins
Top News
1. Bank of Canada hikes interest rate to 4.75%
2. Dow rises more than 160 points to notch third straight day of gains
3. S&P 500, Nasdaq end Wednesday lower as market rally pauses
4. Elon Musk's Neuralink sees valuation soar to $5 billion after private stock trades, report says
5. The World Bank is betting on this company to 'green' the $1.6 trillion steel industry
6. German firms to receive 4 billion euros through EU microelectronics push
7. Statistics Canada reports merchandise trade surplus rose to $1.9B in April
8. NFI Group signs deal with TTC for up to 621 battery-electric transit buses
9. Apple announces new VR headset Vision Pro, to launch next year
June 9, 2023