It's no secret that thanks to rampant inflation, coupons are a big deal these days. Offers and discounts are regularly advertised, and everyone from supermarkets to clothes retailers is getting in on the action. But just how effective are coupons? And where do consumers typically look for them?
To help answer that question, we've gathered the latest data to provide coupon industry insights. In this post, you'll find precise numbers on how effective coupon marketing is, where consumers are looking for coupons, the rise of digital coupons, and much more. Spoiler alert: the numbers don't lie, and coupons are more crucial than ever! So whether you're a retailer looking to drive sales or a consumer looking to save money, check out this post for all the latest coupon data.
Top Statistics
39% of consumers speed up their buying decision of a product if they have a coupon1
Brands looking to speed up their consumers' buying journey should consider coupons because coupons make us feel like we need to act fast. Coupons create a sense of urgency for consumers, and this time pressure can push them to work more quickly.
67% of consumers purchased items they were not planning on buying due to coupons2
Anyone who's ever gone to a grocery store knows the feeling of impulsively grabbing an item off the shelf because it's on sale. And it turns out we're not alone in our unplanned spending. It's human nature to want to save money, and coupons are a great way to do just that. Two out of three consumers will buy an item they didn't intend to purchase if they have a coupon. That's a lot of potential sales! So if you're looking to reach a wider audience with your product or service, coupons should be part of your marketing strategy.
The mobile coupon industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 56.5% by 20253
In a world where we are constantly tethered to our devices, it's no surprise that mobile is emerging as the dominant force in marketing. And when it comes to coupons, mobile is soon to be king. Mobile coupons are convenient, easy to use, and offer shoppers a level of personalization that traditional paper coupons simply can't match. As a result, mobile coupon redemption is on the rise, while paper coupon redemption is on the decline. This trend is evident for brands: if you want to reach consumers where they're, you need to focus on mobile. By investing in mobile coupons, brands can tap into a powerful marketing channel that will only become more important in the years to come.
Compared to regular shoppers, online coupon users spend 24% more4
Contrary to popular belief, people who use coupons are not cheap. Studies have shown that couponers spend more on average than non-coupon users. This is likely because couponers are savvy shoppers who know how to get the best deals on the items they need. As a result, brands should consider targeting couponers as their next best customer base. After all, why wouldn't you want to target people who are more likely to spend more money with you? Be sure not to discount the power of couponers.
In 2020, digital coupon redemption increased by 27%1
Digital coupon redemption is rising, and this is exciting news for CPG brands and retailers alike. Universal Digital Coupons are the only digital coupon that gives consumers the flexibility to redeem their coupon at any retailer, just like print-at-home coupons. However, compared to paper coupons, they are more user-friendly and easy to download. Another reason digital coupons are becoming increasingly popular is that they are "forget-proof." Consumers will never forget their coupons at home because they can now be stored on their smartphones. Universal Digital Coupons are the future of couponing, and brands and retailers should get on board with this trend to stay ahead of the competition.
Email is the preferred coupon distribution method for 88% of consumers, and 56% report it being their favorite4
For several reasons, email may be an old communication platform, but it is still the preferred channel for receiving coupons from brands. First, email feels more personal than newspaper ads; brands can customize their messaging and offers to consumers more effectively via email. Secondly, email is accessible on most electronic devices, making it easy for consumers to transition from computer to tablet to smartphone. Lastly, consumers are usually emailed offers by brands they have already shown interest in by opting into their coupons. As a result, email is a more effective way to reach consumers with coupons and discounts.
73% of Millennials report that their smartphone is their preferred way to receive coupons5
It should be no surprise that millennials prefer receiving coupons on their smartphone as opposed to other coupon distribution methods like newspapers. After all, millennials are the most tech-savvy generation, and they're always looking for ways to save money. With the rise of Universal Digital Coupons, it will become more accessible for brands to reach millennials on their smartphones. In addition to being more convenient, digital coupons can also be customized to target specific demographics. For example, a brand could create a digital coupon that only millennials can redeem. As a result, brands that embrace digital coupons will be able to target their key demographics more effectively.
Before making online purchases, 92% of consumers looked for coupons or other offers in 20206
With inflation on the rise, almost every consumer is looking for the best deal before making a purchase. Therefore, it should be no surprise that coupons have become such an important marketing tool. By providing potential customers with a coupon, you're expanding your customer reach and increasing loyalty. After all, who doesn't like getting a discount? And with the increased competition in almost every industry, anything you can do to set your brand apart from your competitors is worth doing.
By investing in mobile coupons, brands can tap into a powerful marketing channel that will only become more important in the years to come. |
General Coupon Statistics
In 2020, coupons were used by nearly 90% of consumers6
69% of consumers feel like they are shopping smarter when using coupons or discounts6
53% of consumers feel that coupons lead them to buy brands they would not usually purchase from5
Of Millennials, 89% would try a new brand if they received a coupon6
Of US Baby Boomers, 95% used coupons in 20227
In China, students made up 21.7% of couponers in 20116
In 2019, couponing apps were used by over 25 million Americans8
In 2020, Americans searched for household items more than any other online coupon category6
Grocery coupons were the number one category of coupons Millennials searched for9
Although grocery coupon distribution shrunk by nearly 11% in the first half of 2021, grocery coupon redemption only shrunk by 7.9%, indicating a stronger consumer demand for coupons5
In the second quarter of 2021, consumers used 27.8% more coupons than the same quarter in the previous year5
Covid led to more than 70% to increase their saving habits, and 82% intend to continue those saving habits5
The average value of coupons increased from 2020 to 2021 by 9.3%5
Digital Coupon Statistics
68% of consumers find that loyalty can be generated by digital coupons10
The average offer duration in the first half of 2021 was 5.9 weeks5
Over 142 million US adults redeemed digital coupons in 20206
Digital coupons are redeemed within 24 hours by 30% of consumers1
48% of US women download digital coupons on their smartphones while shopping in-store11
In 2020, digital coupons were redeemed more than print 1
In the first half of 2021, CPG brands increased their digital paperless coupons by 45%5
In the first half of 2021, consumers redeemed 16% fewer digital print-at-home coupons but redeemed 42% more digital paperless coupons5
Universal Digital Coupons are the future of couponing, and brands and retailers should get on board with this trend to stay ahead of the competition.
Consumers and Their Favourite Coupon Channels
In 2021, overall coupon redemption was down from the previous year, but digital and direct mail redemptions increased5
Social media is used by over 76% of consumers to find coupons4
33% of consumers are part of social media groups on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter specifically meant for coupons and other deals4
34% of consumers receive coupons through 3rd party coupon websites4
32% of consumers have gotten their coupons through a brand's mobile app4
While 57% of consumers use a newspaper to receive coupons however only 10% noted that the newspaper was their preferred way of receiving coupons4
77% of consumers followed a brand's social media to find coupons4
Of Millennials, 43% share coupons and other deals through social media5
Of Millennials, 80% use a grocery store savings app at least monthly6
In the first half of 2021, consumers redeemed 10% more coupons via direct mail5
There's no doubt that the couponing industry is undergoing a significant transformation, and these statistics indicate that change. With consumers increasingly demanding digital options and businesses scrambling to keep up, it's clear that the days of paper coupons are numbered. But what does this shift mean for businesses and consumers?
For businesses, the move to digital coupons presents both challenges and opportunities. On the one hand, the increasing transition to digital means that the channels consumers want to receive coupons are changing, and businesses need to adjust. On the other hand, digitization opens up new possibilities for consumer engagement directly to the lock screen and could lead to increased sales. For consumers, digital coupons offer convenience and flexibility. They can be easily accessed on smartphones and used at various retailers. This trend will likely continue in the coming years, so it's a good idea to start familiarizing yourself with digital coupons now.
1. Inmar
2. RetailMeNot
3. WhaTech
4. Blippr
5. Valassis
6. Statista
7. Coupon Science
8. RSA America
9. Mediapost
10. Invespcro
11. Retail Dive
July 14, 2022